

类型: 电影解说
导演: 钱运达






  • 海底怪客[电影解说] 3.0 海底怪客[电影解说]
    1994 电影解说
    简介:  五个年轻人巴比、麦克、小桃、朱丽和玛格趁着假期开着小船出海游玩,却因为大意而被搁浅在海上,屋漏偏逢连夜雨的他们又遇上暴风雨,在大雨倾盆的情况下,他们找到了一艘并没有人的豪华游艇,以为找到了桃花源,在里面饮酒作乐,没想到可怕的危险就隐藏在这座豪华游艇里。游艇好像是一个大的实验室,里面有奇奇怪怪的远古鱼类化石。巴比看到实验台上的白色粉末,尝了一下,以为是毒品。而后,玛格被会飞的鱼咬伤,他们才意识到问题的严重。麦克仔细研究了电脑里的资料,发现原来这些鱼都是吃了受污染的浮游生物后发生了异变。可此时已经为时已晚,除了麦克其余四人都被感染。游艇即将爆炸,这些怪物也即将被消灭,只有麦克跳海逃出。谁知怪物并没有死,麦克也没有逃生。
  • 精神病院1972[电影解说] 6.0 精神病院1972[电影解说]
    1972 电影解说
    简介:  Framing StoryDr Martin (Robert Powell) arrives at a secluded asylum "for the incurably insane" to be interviewed for a job by the wheelchair-using, authoritarian Dr Lionel Rutherford (Patrick Magee). Rutherford explains that he owes his current incapacitation to an attack by an inmate. Rutherford reveals his unorthodox plan to determine Martin's suitability for the post of head Doctor. One of the asylum's current inmates is Dr B. Starr, the former head doctor who underwent a complete mental breakdown. Martin is to interview the inmates of the asylum to deduce which one is Dr Starr. If his choice is correct Rutherford will "consider" him for the post.  The attendant Max Reynolds (Geoffrey Bayldon) admits Martin through the security door to the inmates' solitary confinement cells where he interviews each in turn.  "Frozen Fear"Bonnie (Barbara Parkins) recounts the plot to murder Ruth (Sylvia Sims), the wealthy wife of her lover Walter (Richard Todd). Ruth is a possessive heiress who studies voodoo, and this interest stands in the way of Bonnie and Walter being together.  "The Weird Tailor"Bruno (Barry Morse) recounts how poverty forced him to accept the unusual request of a Mr Smith (Peter Cushing) to produce an elaborate suit of clothing from a mysterious, scintillating, fabric that can animate anything, including the dead.  After learning what the suit will be used for, Bruno fights Smith and accidentally kills him. He returns with the unsold suit. His wife Anna (Anne Firbank) dresses their store mannequin in the suit and its true powers are revealed.  "Lucy Comes To Stay"The ebullient Barbara (Charlotte Rampling) informs Martin she has been in an asylum before. After her release from that asylum she was closely monitored at home by her brother George (James Villiers) and a nurse, Miss Higgins (Megs Jenkins). This frustrated existence is relieved when her mischievous friend Lucy (Britt Ekland) comes to visit.  "Mannikins of Horror"Finally Martin interviews Dr Byron (Herbert Lom) who holds Rutherford in deep contempt. Byron explains he is working towards soul transference with a small automaton whose head is a likeness of his own, and shows Martin several earlier models. Byron plans to "will" his mannequin to life, and explains the interior of the robot is organic, a miniaturised version of his own viscera. Martin concludes his interview and Max shows him downstairs to deliver his judgement to Rutherford.  Byron successfully brings his mannequin to life: it makes its way to Rutherford's office and kills him with a surgical knife. Then, Martin destroys the mannequin and seeks help from Max Reynolds, and Dr. Starr's true identity is revealed.
  • 奇人怪事[电影解说] 9.0 奇人怪事[电影解说]
    1970 电影解说
    简介:  Since his birth, 30 years ago, John Soames is in a coma. Now he's operated and brought to life in a neurologic clinic. A tense plan shall make him develop from a 30 years old baby to a man, but there's no time for the love and care a normal baby would receive. He manages to flee...
  • 捞女日记[电影解说] 6.0 捞女日记[电影解说]
    1975 电影解说
    简介:  贪慕虚荣的艳女金燕玲一心想过奢华生活,于是骗取富商关伯成怜悯,令其置金屋藏娇,然后再引关太前来捉奸,顺利把洋房据为己有。接着又勾引车行经理许上床以迫使他送车。其后,她认识了高氏珠宝公司高层高天宝,又布局于宴会中把他灌醉,以便安排打劫珠宝店。在拥有了洋房、娇车、珠宝后,金却堕入了“老千局”……
  • 猫妖1981[电影解说] 9.0 猫妖1981[电影解说]
    1981 电影解说
    简介:  금아랑과 월녀는 약혼한 사이인데, 마을의 세도가이며 간악한 석탈의 딸 유화가 금아랑을 짝사랑한다. 석탈은 유화를 위해 월녀의 아버지 이마루에게 황금을 주어 월녀와 함께 마을을 떠나 보내고 금아랑은 월녀가 배신한 것으로 알고 유화와 결혼한다. 석탈은 달달이를 보내 이마루와 월녀를 죽이려고 한다. 달달이는 이마루를 죽이고 월녀를 강간하려고 하나 월녀는 몸을 버리느니 차라리 죽자고 백묘못이라는 저주의 늪속에 몸을 던진다. 전설대로 저주받은 백묘의 악령이 월녀의 몸을 빌어 나타난다. 마을에는 백묘의 저주가 내리고 금아랑은 저주받은 악령이 월녀의 몸에 씌었음을 알게 된다.
  • 脐带2022[电影解说] 6.0 脐带2022[电影解说]
    2022 电影解说
    简介:  音乐人阿鲁斯(伊德尔 饰)因不满哥哥对患有阿茨海默症的母亲(巴德玛 饰)的照顾方式,决心带她返回草原,去寻找母亲记忆中的家。为了防止母亲走失,阿鲁斯用一根绳子系在两人腰间。似脐带一般的连接,建立起了一种奇妙的“逆位”母子情,牵引着两人向草原深处漫游。当爱由彼此羁绊化为理解和自由, 母亲终于回到心中的故乡,阿鲁斯也得到平静和爱的力量。


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